Saturday, January 10, 2009
"Judge - Senator" Lidio Rainaldi officially "retired". I say "officially" because when you work for over 50 years serving your community in various public offices, and particularly th
e office of a judge, you just don't come out one day and say, "OK, I am going home and will do nothing but be a couch potato and play golf". You may walk away from "officially" serving and helping others, but the love for service does not walk away from you. Jack Cousteau was born to go underwater, Tiger Woods was born to play golf, Judge Rainaldi was born to be with and help people. Probably, about the only thing that we can expect at the golf course is that now that he officially gave up an office, office time and staff, that he dedicates some more of his freed up office time to the game he much loves: GOLF! Maybe he can even use the new "hybrids" that he ordered 6 months ago and work to get his game back. "Papa", as his family calls him, was a Judge (Municipal and Magistrate) for 40 years and a State Senator for another 8. His accomplishments abound, many of which were mentioned during his "Retirement Party" at Red Rock State Park. The party for several hundred guests, was expertly handled by Bill Lee, Director of the Gallup Chamber of Commerce. "January 10th", was officially named as "Lidio Rainaldi Day" by our sitting mayor, Harry Mendoza. "Judge" is a native from Gallup (born in Gamerco) and first met him in 1982 when I became the resident golf professional. He was one of the first people who officially "welcomed" me to Gallup and who offered his help to this new face in town. Right away, he made me part of his group of golfers, and I began knowing more and more about him, just the way he conducted himself on the course. Like I have said many times, "golf does not necessarily build character, but it sure reveals it". He visited us every day... but seldom, if ever, did he play on weekdays. He'd come around lunch time, he'd go to #1 tee and see his friends tee off, probably wishing he was part of the group. Sometimes, he'd borrow a cart and go watch them play a hole or two, come back, hand us the key and go back to hold court. His play was usually limited to the weekends and some late afternoons, or, when he could go out of town, where, unless there was a great emergency, he would not have to leave the course. In town, it was another matter. I have played many times with him and expect that there are a few joint rounds left, but I have to explain about what I meant by "character". Most golfers that I know, like to "have a little on the line". For someone like "Judge", who at his prime was a mid single digit handicapper (he has always been "deadly" with that old "Bulls Eye" putter of his), he was one who had the least on the line. For years, his closest friends wanted to give him a reputation of "tight" and "stingy", and laughed (and exaggerated) stories off. If he was not somewhere helping someone, even "Judge" would join in sometimes. Once, he opened his wallet in front of a friend who had been poking fun at him, and said to him: "see, there is no cow webs inside my wallet, I can open it just fine!". Personally, I realized that stinginess had nothing to do with his small wagers. The true reason had become obvious to me: you have no idea how many times we would receive a call at the pro-shop (mainly weekends) asking for "Judge Rainaldi": "I need some help" someone would plea. I'd go or I'd send someone to the course to give him a message. At least half the time -even in tournaments-, he would have to leave his party and go take care of someone in need (that was why, unselfeshly, he seldom played in tournaments that required a partner, as he did not want to leave him "hanging alone"). The other half, he'd ask me to make a phone call for him, mostly to his life time partner, Hellen who would most likely be able to take care of the situation. Other times, he'd give me number stored in his memory bank and tell me to tell the other party to call that number. At times, Hellen Rainaldi would personally come to the course and go talk to him. When that happened, it was almost a sure departure. Unlike many people who come to play and don't want to be bothered, HE NEVER ONCE SAID, "IF SOMEONE CALLS ME, SAY YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ME! Others in his shoes, have unlisted numbers, but not "Judge"! For him, "having a little on the line" was good, was expected, was part of the challenge and part of the game; but, knowing that there was a high probability that he was going to forfeit a bet because he had to leave, might as well be $2.00 and not $20.00! There was nothing about stinginess, just smart decisions, along with the decision to participate, to be with his friends and have a chance to take their $2.00 as well! A quitter he isn't, he just felt that being a judge and a servant to others, was not limited to sitting behind a bench, with a gavel in hand and dressed in a black robe: he was a judge and friend 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If someone needed him, he would leave. And I might interject something else here, who do you think would call him in the middle of a round? Someone important! I bet not. Think of this: most "important" people in a small town, know how to take care of things and won't bother a judge in his time off. It was most likely someone who couldn't even "pay back" the favor. That is the sign of someone who serves, not someone whose mantra is "to say the right thing to the right people" to get ahead. It came to the point that we instituted a new, unwritten rule (and now applied to everyone all the time): we called it the "Judge Rainaldi Rule": "if you get in a match and you have to leave, you win nothing if you are ahead; and you lose your bet if at the time you have to leave you are behind". It works well. You can see that in his case, he had absolutely no advantage and gave allthe advantage to those playing with him. And if I may say, that is probably how sixsomes got started in Gallup: chances were that "Judge" would soon make his sixsome a fivesome! You have no idea how many times he had to leave when he was ahead... and I can only imagine how it burnt him not to take home $2.00 from Tommy, Ray, Joe, me or others! I may also point out: I never heard him complain about "having" to leave. If anything, he'd smile and say: "At least, today, I was ahead. See you next time!" That should say it all! He made it obvious that he wanted to be with you, but he also made it known that he had a great responsibility towards others that at one time or another, may need of his time. His time was not his. All this was more important than golf or a $2.00 bet! Four years ago, when my oldest daughter, Paola, received her Law degree from the University of Oklahoma and would, at least for the time being, remain in Oklahoma. "Judge" considered Paola a "local girl" so he asked the New Mexico State Senate to write a commendation for her (I have my copy framed with all my keepsakes). When he handed it to me, he said; "Congratulate Paola for us (most likely meaning Hellen and himself, not the NM Senate and himself). Tell her that it is easy to make a buck, but hard to make a difference! We are confident that she'll make the right choices"... A year or so later, when she received her Masters degree in one of the specialties in law practice and passed the Oklahoma Bar Exam, I heard the same thing from the Master of Ceremonies at the Oklahoma Supreme Court House... I am sure he had heard it from Judge Rainaldi!

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