This is an emergency! The conditions, which directly affect the amount of play (reduced to less than 50% of when play was managed by a PGA Professional), have reversed to the early 80's! That is a quarter of a century of regression! If you want to salvage part of the golf season, and begin building public trust, put pride aside and do something now! If you wait for the "task force" to tell you the course is in bad shape and we "need help by someone", it'll be too late and the rest of the season is lost. Think I am exaggerating? Tell me how many "task forces", or golf committees have made a difference? These are usually called once there is an emergency for not taking action, and of course, to take "responsibility" for something that should have been done long before their "suggestion" is ever made. Take for instance 2007: we had weeds all over the golf course for 6 months (March - August), and no one wanted to do anything about it, and "voila!" the golf committee decides that they should be cut (not before RMCH complained about it), and overnight, the weeds were gone! (well, it took a week).
Now, we see that Tommy Noe is out there asking for an opportunity to help the city that saw him grow into adulthood, but Tommy has much more than "local blood", and he is not just another guy who "wishes" and "says" he can help; he has the experience that reminds me of the old Texas saying; "in matters of practicality and results, I rather hire the trapper with the skins in the back of this truck, that the man with diplomas on his wall". Tommy has all the skins out there; all sizes and all game; direct and indirect experience in over 30 courses built all over the world! And now, someone is trying to see if he is qualified? Give us a break! The time is NOW!
In 2006, we hired someone "with credentials" (diplomas), which included "helping build" exactly one golf course, or at least 30 less than Tommy Noe! The selection by the research committee, which included Allgood, proved to be a mistake, as, after almost four years, we now know that all these credentials in "education" were worthless if left in the office and in "plan after plan". Noe has both, skins and diplomas. The fact is that then, like now, we needed someone that was a proven "trapper", not someone who "said" he'd be one. That the city made a big deal about their man reaching "Class-A" status in the Golf Course Superintendent's of America at the end of 2008 (something that he was supposed to have had when he applied in 2006), should have been a sign for things to come, but everyone was clueless as they ignored this little detail. Wow!
No one heeded verbal or written warnings, always dismissing them as exaggerated or ill intended. Surely, if the money came out of their own pockets, they wouldn't be so uninterested in doing the right thing. Who knows, maybe they will anyway.
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